Amy Site Availability
1. Are you aged between 18 and 49 years?
2. Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis?
3. Have you had a laparoscopy within the last 9 months for your endometriosis?
4. Did this laparoscopy confirm you have endometriosis?
5. Did you have any surgical treatment (for example removal of endometriosis lesions/adhesions/endometrioma removal or drain) for your endometriosis at this laparoscopy?
6. Have you been told you need another laparoscopy to have surgical treatment for your endometriosis?
7. Are you currently pregnant, breast feeding or planning a pregnancy within the next 2 years?
8. Have you had your uterus removed (hysterectomy)?
9. Have you had both your ovaries and your fallopian tubes removed?
10. Are you willing to use the following contraception for the duration of the study (up to 2 years and 5 months)?-male condom and spermicide plus either a cap, a diaphragm or a sponge -copper IUD?

C-GB-00001353 | June 2024