Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd (“Chugai”) – Important Information
Last updated: June 2024


The Website (as defined below) is provided and intended only for use by patients (“Users”), as materials for information about the ACERS study and the possibility of patient’s participation, and not as advice or guidance.

You must not use this website, and/or any interactive facilities which are available through it to:

  • commit or encourage unlawful acts or in breach of these terms of use;
  • misrepresent your identity;
  • hack, or attempt to hack, any part of the website or any system used to run it;
  • store personal data derived from the website;
  • post material that is obscene, offensive, or otherwise unlawful;
  • technically harm the website and/or its systems (including, without limitation, computer viruses or malicious software or harmful data).

While Chugai tries to make this website available 24 hours a day, it reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access, without notice, to either the whole or part of the website, for any reason.

Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd will not be responsible for any damages resulting from the use of this website or the information presented or referred to in this website.

This website is managed by Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd and our agents. Before using this website, please be sure to read the following these Terms and Conditions attentively. In addition, our Privacy Policy also applies (https://trials.chugai.eu/privacy)

The terms and conditions under which access to the website is permitted are set out below. By accessing the website or continuing to use it, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Chugai reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.

Any parties using this website must first agree to these terms and conditions. By using or accessing the website you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property

Unless stated otherwise, the copyright and other intellectual property rights in all text, images and other material on website are owned by Chugai Europe Ltd or its licensors.

The trademarks and logos used and displayed on our website are registered and unregistered trademarks, or those of others. You may not use these trademarks without our prior written consent, or that of the relevant owner.

This website, as well as all its contents contained within the website (text, photos, diagrams, illustrations, others), are protected by all applicable Copyright laws and any registered rights in any jurisdiction (“Copyright Laws’). All or portions of the contents contained on this website can only be reproduced, quoted, or copied, if they are (i) for the personal use of an individual or (ii) are being cited or used for some other action allowed by the Copyright Laws and provided that this website is clearly stated as the source of the information. Whenever there are notes regarding the copyrights of individual items contained on this website, please give priority to, and follow the instructions contained in the notes. Furthermore, making

alterations to any of the information contained on this website without the consent of Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd is strictly prohibited.

Links to this website

Parties wishing to make a link to this website must agree to comply with these terms and conditions and all the applied link regulations. Direct links to some contents are not possible due to applicable laws restricting and regulating such access and considerations. Therefore, the link locations must be designated by Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd. Parties are asked to take measures, such as including remarks, so that visitors can easily recognise that the established link is to the Chugai website.

Access to the Website is provided on the strict condition that Chugai is in no way responsible for the contents of any sites establishing links with the linked website. Chugai reserves the right to remove any links based on the contents of the connecting website or the way the link was established.

Link Regulations

  1. Unauthorised use of the Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd logo, ACERS study logo, and/or any other Intellectual Property Rights of Chugai expressly prohibited;
  2. The link address must be clearly stated;
  3. Having the Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd homepage open with the framework of the homepage is prohibited.

Links from the following websites are prohibited:

  • containing contents that are not consistent with public order and standards of decency;
  • recognised as being unlawful;
  • with content that defames or disparages Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd;
  • with contents that slander, defames, or disparages third parties;
  • deemed as inappropriate by Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd for any other reason.

No intention to solicit investment

The intention of this website is to raise awareness and promote patients’ participation in the ACERs study. Furthermore, this website is not intended to solicit investment in any other securities.


Nothing on this website constitutes any part of a contract unless otherwise expressly stated.

All material on the website is provided for information only and should not be relied upon as advice. Whilst Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd has been extremely careful in the way it manages and updates the information contained on its website, the company cannot guarantee the accuracy and completeness of all information contained on it. Accordingly, and for the avoidance of doubt, Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd does not represent, warrant, or guarantee that the information is complete, accurate, up to date, without error, useful, or will match the needs or requirements of any User, or at all. Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd also does not guarantee that there will be no errors with the website and its use, or that the server providing this website is free of computer viruses or other potentially harmful items.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd excludes all liability and responsibility for any amount, kind of loss or damage, whether in contract or tort (including negligence and/or negligent misstatement) that may result to the User or a third party in connection with the use or reliance upon the content of this website in any way. Nothing will limit liability for death or personal injury caused by its proven negligence or for fraud.

Every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses. Chugai accepts no liability for damages resulting from virus infection.

Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd is not responsible for any issue, loss, or damage whether direct or indirect, wheresoever, and howsoever resulting from the use of this website or from the information contained on this website (a “Loss”) and the User hereby indemnifies and holds harmless Chugai from and against all and any such Loss. Each user does so at its own risk and should implement appropriate security measures. Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd also reserves the right in its absolute and unfettered discretion to make changes to the information contained on this website as well as the right to suspend or cancel operation of the website at any time without prior notice or consent.

The content on this website is intended to be a general information resource regarding the subject matter covered but is provided solely on an “as is” and “as available” basis as noted on these Terms and Conditions. You are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources, and to review the information carefully with your professional healthcare provider. Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd is not engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician and should not be regarded or relied upon as such. If you desire or need such services or advice, you should consult a professional healthcare provider. You should not understand or consider the publication of this content as an endorsement by Chugai Pharma Europe Ltd of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action or application of medication or preparation made by the author of the content.

Data protection

Please see the Chugai Privacy Policy at https://trials.chugai.eu/privacy

These terms of use are governed by English law. Disputes arising in connection with them shall be subject to the nonexclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


These terms of use are not intended to, nor shall they confer any benefit on a third party, whether under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.

No waiver by Chugai Pharma Ltd of any breach of these terms by the User shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or of any other provision.

Section headings have been included for convenience only and shall not be considered part of, or be used in interpreting, these terms.

If, at any time, any provision of these terms is or becomes invalid or illegal in any respect, such provision shall be deemed to be removed from the terms, but the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected as a result.

C-GB-00001391 | June 2024